Check out our Birth, Babies and Breastfeeding Virtual Academy online courses! Click for more info!


My son in 9 days old. I found your online Breastfeeding [Prep] course super helpful and your Postpartum Planner guide. I have watched the breastfeeding course a couple of times and have found it helpful to have been able to go back to it! I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you and all of your guidance. Honestly you are the reason I am successfully breastfeeding right now!
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- LINDSAY, Toronto


Feel unsure about all the best tricks for taking care of your baby? 

Learn all the Baby Care Hacks from an expert with LIVE baby demonstrations, including diapering, babywearing, bathing, holding, swaddling, burping and more!  Feel confident caring for your newborn, and know how to help keep them comfortable and content.


Is learning about Lactation from family, friends and Instagram making it even more confusing?

 Learn How to Breastfeed from an expert in this PRENATAL PREP crash course! Learn practical, useful information BEFORE your baby is born (or in the first weeks) so you know how to avoid issues & prevent problems right from the start.  You will learn how to make sure your baby is getting enough milk, how to create a great milk supply, how to latch properly so it doesn’t hurt while feeding, and so much more!! 

Lactation Consultant Home Visits
My wife and I wanted to learn strategies to feed our second baby. We couldn't be happier with our decision. Our only regret is that we didn't know this before our first baby (for whom breastfeeding was a real struggle). Learning strategies ahead of time was the most helpful part -- something that could never be matched by just reading a book or pamphlet!
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- SONIA, Toronto


Want to learn accurate info about pumping and how to build a breastmilk stash from a lactation professional?

 Learn all the tricks for Pumping and Building a Breastmilk Stash including tips to get the most milk possible, make sure pumping is comfortable, and safety information about proper milk storage and cleaning too!


Maternity leave almost over and need to start planning?  

Learn how to head Back to Work whether you want to keep breastfeeding, want to wean or even if you plan to do a bit of both!  Know when to start getting ready, if you’ll need to pump, and how to get your child ready for this big step!


If you’re ready to decrease or stop breastfeeding, chestfeeding or pumping and want to learn how to do it safely, we can help with that too!   

Check out our newest course: How to Wean!  This course covers weaning strategies for babies to preschoolers for whenever you are ready to decrease or wean completely, or if you want to wean from pumping… and as always, it’s education with NO judgement!

 Pick and choose the classes you need.

Get instant access to your video lessons, downloadable resources, and learn NOW!
With lifetime access, you keep the content so you can watch the content during pregnancy, and again (as many times as you need) after your baby is born!

Learn about birth, babies and breastfeeding ONLINE before your baby is born

or whenever you need some help! 

…..our EXPERT Lactation Consultant, Registered Nurse, Doula & mom of 3, Angela, will teach you all you need to know about feeding and caring for you new little human! 

This is definitely better than searching google… get practical, NON-JUDGEMENTAL advice you can trust!

Enrol IN YOUR COURSE today