Check out our Birth, Babies and Breastfeeding Virtual Academy online courses! Click for more info!

CLASSES & Education

There is so much to learn when it comes to pregnancy, birth, feeding, baby care and parenting.

New parents often feel overwhelmed by the TONS of information out there and don’t know where to start and who to trust!  





Book an informative, streamlined one-on-one fertility or prenatal session so you can feel prepared and supported on your journey!

 Learn about fertility options, pregnancy, labour, birth, baby care, feeding, postpartum recovery, sleep, and more!

Private virtual sessions are taught by Registered Nurse, Lactation Consultant, Newborn Care Specialist, Doula and owner and founder of Nutmeg, Angela, or one of the amazing members of the specialized Nutmeg team!

Get one-on-one access to an expert who can help you learn exactly what YOU are interested in.  

Book add-on or last minute Private Sessions anytime to get help whenever you need it!

Customized content lets you learn just the information you need and want in less time, and in a practical, honest, and engaging way!

Contact us for more information or to choose the sessions you’re interested in!

Family Building Education & Fertility Support

Ask questions about how it all works from our Certified Fertility Support Practitioner.  What are the options? What you can do to have the best chance for pregnancy? Get support along the journey from the comfort of your own home!


Lactation / Feeding / Pumping

Book a LIVE one-on-one  Lactation / Feeding Prep session to learn how to avoid nipple pain, get a great latch, know when to feed, learn how to build a freezer stash, make sure baby gains weight, and  breastfeeding/chestfeeding/ pumping, or combo feeding! LEARN MORE!

Infant & Child CPR

Book a Private in-person session or sign up for a Virtual group interactive session so you can feel confident and prepared for all common infant and child emergencies.

Perfect for expecting or new parents, caregivers or grandparents, would love to have some life saving skills should an emergency arise! 

Prenatal / Labour & Birth

Choose Group Classes or One on One private sessions to learn about labour and birth! We teach about all the ways to give birth so you can figure out what works for you, and we can help you feel prepared and ready! LEARN MORE ABOUT GROUP CLASSES!

Gentle Sleep Education

Have a private session with our Gentle Sleep Educator to learn what is normal, what to expect, and how to get the most sleep possible while respecting the normal physiological needs of your baby! LEARN MORE

Cesarean/Induction Planning

Book a Private Prenatal session anytime you need to ask questions about options available for a planned induction or cesarean birth.  Learn the questions to ask, strategies to help you reach your birth & feeding goals no matter what kind of birth you have.

Back to Work Planning / Weaning

Discuss breastfeeding, pumping, weaning or how to do all 3! Learn about when to introduce cups/bottles, naps without nursing, solids, daycare, pumping at work and more! 

Learn ON-DEMAND here if you prefer!

Partner Coaching / Grandparent Classes

Does your partner need some coaching for how to keep baby happy and calm?  Have LIVE one-on-one support to help them learn all the tricks!

Grandparents needing to learn the most up to date safety, health, feeding and childcare recommendations for baby?  We'll explore common myths, philosophies, and how best to support the new family!

Private sessions can be arranged at your convenience.
Get in touch to find out more!